Challenge Coin, 576 80th Birthday


  1. NEW! Only 200 in this series and numbered! Commemorates the 80th birthday of the NC&STL 576, and the 80 for 80 fundraising campaign in August 2022. One side shows the 576’s boxpok driver. Opposite side shows a colorized builder photo if the 576 with the ALCO Schenectady shops in the background.
  2. Beautiful enameled metal 2″ double sided 576 Challenge Coin weighs in at 1.5 ounces and ready to be gifted to a fellow railroad enthusiast, or introduce a new fan to the 576 and it’s history in Nashville.

Historically, challenge coins were collected by service members and law enforcement personnel, and were presented by unit commanders in recognition of special achievement by a member of the unit. They could also be exchanged in recognition of visits to an organization.

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