March 2021
Dear No. 576 Friends,
The arrival of 2021 brings with it hope for the new year and excitement for the ongoing work of our steam locomotive restoration, No. 576. 2020 brought its challenges for all of us. We are grateful that we were able to continue work on 576 through the tireless and safe work of many volunteers.
In December 2019, The Candelaria Fund and The Wick Moorman Charitable Trust announced a challenge match for $300,000. We are pleased to report that in November 2020, during Nashville Steam Preservation Society’s first ever virtual fundraising concert with Marty Stuart, Harry Stinson and Old Crow Medicine Show, we achieved the match, and in addition, we unlocked an additional $25,000 bonus from The Candelaria Fund and The Wick Moorman Charitable Trust. We were able to raise just over $650,000 in 2020 towards our project, and will receive the bonus match soon. We are grateful to our supporters for the double impact this match has on our project!
We have been fortunate to receive grant support over the last three years from various foundations, including The National Railway Historical Society, Society for Industrial Archeology, Tom E. Dailey Foundation, Emery Rail Heritage Trust, ALCO Historical and Technical Society, Giving Matters, and the Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee. We are grateful for these important contributions, and we continue to see additional grant sources for our project.
We have a ways to go until our return to steam is complete, and we still have funds to raise. We anticipate 30 more months until our restoration work is complete, and we continue our fundraising efforts with individuals, organizations and grant sources. Our project is 45 percent complete and we need to raise approximately $1,000,000 to complete the full restoration of No. 576. Please help us spread the word to any and all that may be interested in supporting, or volunteering for, this important project.
NSPS’s success to date would not be possible without our generous and growing number of supporters and volunteers like you. On behalf of the Board of Directors and staff at NSPS, thank you for your generous and continued support. We look forward to keeping you updated on our progress and seeing you when we are able to gather again safely. And, in just a few short years we will all enjoy the return of No. 576.
Nashville Steam Preservation Society, Inc.